Tsela ea matsatsi a 3 ea New York, leeto la bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa


New York e na le lintho tse ngata haholo tseo e lokelang ho li etsa le libaka tseo u ka e etelang, hore ho nka bonyane beke ho bona lintho tse hohelang tsa "toropo e sa robalang."

Empa ho etsahalang ha o na le lihora tse 'maloa feela ho sheba "apole e kholo"? Ho araba potso ena re u etselitse lenane la seo u lokelang ho se etsa New York ka matsatsi a 3.

Seo u lokelang ho se etsa New York ka matsatsi a 3

Ho tseba "capital of the world" ka matsatsi a 3 kapa ho feta, se loketseng ke ho ba le New York Pass (NYP), sebaka se setle ka ho fetisisa sa bahahlauli seo u tla boloka chelete le nako ea ho tseba lintho tse hohelang toropo.

Thabela New York ka matsatsi a 3

Ka leeto le letle, matsatsi a 3 a lekane ho natefeloa ke NY, meaho ea eona, libaka tsa boikhathollo, limusiamo, libaka tsa lipapali, litsela le liemahale tsa nalane.

Pase ea New York (NYP)

Pasepoto ena ea bahahlauli e tla u tataisa haeba e le lekhetlo la pele u lula toropong 'me ha u tsebe hore na u etele libaka life, li hokae kapa theko ea libaka tse hohelang.

Pase ea New York e sebetsa joang?

Pele hlalosa hore na u tla lula matsatsi a makae NY le hore na u tla sebelisa New York Pass halelele hakae. Hape etsa qeto ea hore na u batla hore pase e hatisoe e fihle lapeng ka poso kapa haeba u khetha ho e lata New York. U ka khoasolla ts'ebeliso ho Smartphone ea hau. NYP e tla ba mafolofolo ha o e hlahisa ho khahloa ea pele eo u e etetseng.

NYP e tla u bolokela ho fihla ho 55% ea theko ea litekete ho libaka tse fetang 100 tse hohelang tse kenyellelitsoeng pasa ena, tse ling tsa tsona li lokolohile joalo ka ho etela limusiamo, maeto a tataisoang libakeng tsa toropo le litereke, ho haola le Central Park le Borokho ba Brooklyn.

Libaka tse ling tse sa lefelloeng tsa NYP li kenyelletsa ho etela Empire State Building, tsela ea libese ea ho bona libaka, ho palama Hudson River ho potoloha Ellis Island, le ho etela Statue of Liberty.

Re khothaletsa ho boloka monyako inthaneteng kapa ka ho letsetsa libaka tse hohelang ho etela, e le hore o qobe mekoloko ea menyako.

Le NYP o tla ba le litheolelo mabenkeleng, lireschorenteng le libakeng tsa thekiso ea lijo. Eketsa tlhahisoleseling mona.

U se u ntse u tseba melemo ea ho fumana New York Pass. Joale ha re qale boiphihlelo ba rona ho "Iron City" e kholo.

Letsatsi la 1: Leeto la Midtown Manhattan

Manhattan e tsepamisa maikutlo ho fetisisa ho NY, ka hona re khothaletsa hore u etele bese ea bahahlauli, Big Bus kapa Hop ho Hop Off Bus, moo ba tla pheta nalane ea toropo haufinyane ha u ntse u tsamaea libakeng tsa eona tse tummeng, joalo ka Mohaho oa State State, Wall Street le Madison Square Garden. Ts'ebeletso ena e kenyelelitsoe ho New York Pass.

O ka kena le ho theoha neng kapa neng tseleng ha o batla ho tsamaea kapa ho emisa ho ja kapa ho reka.

Ho Hlahloba Nako ea Nako

Lekola Bryant Park kamora Laeborari ea Sechaba ea NY ka maoto. Nakong ea selemo le lehlabula ke sebaka se pharaletseng se botala le serame se seholo sa leqhoa, mariha.

Tsoela pele ho etela Grand Central Station, e 'ngoe ea libaka tse ntle ka ho fetisisa le tse phetheselang ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, moo ntle le ho natefeloa ke botle ba eona ba meralo, o ka natefeloa ke seneke sebakeng sa eona se seholo sa lijo.

Rockefeller Plaza thabela pono e ntle ea toropo ho tloha sebakeng se tummeng sa Top of the Rock. Haufi ke Radio City Music Hall, sebaka sa boithabiso sa bohlokoahali toropong. Ha u ntse u tsamaea ka bochabela u tla fumana Cathedral e tummeng ea St.

Ho ea leboea ho New York ke Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) e nang le mekato e 6 ea moemeli oa mofuta ona, e nang le lebenkele la lihopotso le resturante. Ka Labohlano thapama, ho kenoa mahala.

U ka tsamaea ka maoto kapa oa palama baesekele Central Park, etela sehopotso sa John Lennon ho Strawberry Fields Forever, moo u ka palamang koloi ka litsela tsa eona tse nang le lifate, ebe u khutlela Time Square ho ea thabela mabone le likhalase tsa eona ka shoalane. bosiu.

Ha u le Time Square u ka qeta letsatsi la hau la pele toropong ho e 'ngoe ea lireschorente tsa eona ebe u shebella e' ngoe ea 'mino o tsotehang oa Broadway.

Lijo tsa Time Square

Ho tsamaea ka Time Square ho tla u fa takatso ea lijo. Bakeng sa sena re khothaletsa lireschorente tse ling seterekeng sena se ikhethileng sa NY

1. Zoob Zib Thai Authentic Noodle Bar: Lijo tsa Thai tse loketseng li-vegans tse nang le ts'ebeletso e potlakileng le e sebetsang. Likarolo le litheko tsa bona lia utloahala. E ka 460 9th Avenue, lipakeng tsa literata tse 35 ho isa ho tse 36.

2. The Mean Fiddler: Baphatlalatsi ba Maaerishe khubung ea Manhattan, 266 47th Street, lipakeng tsa Broadway le 8th Avenue. E behiloe ka 'mino o phelang le lithelevishene tse nang le lipapali tsa lipapali. Ba sebeletsa biri, li-burger, li-nas le li-salate ka boikhathollo.

3. Le Bernardin: resturante e majabajaba haufi haholo le Radio City Music Hall seterateng sa 155 51. Ba sebeletsa lijo tsa Mafora tse nang le lijana tse ikhethileng le tatso e khethiloeng ea veine.

Letsatsi la 2. Toropong ea Manhattan

Re ea letsatsing la bobeli Lower Manhattan ho qala Madison Square Garden (MSG), sebaka sa lipapali moo ho bapalloang 'mino le lipapali. Ke lipakeng tsa litsela tsa 7 le 8.

Haufi haholo le MSG, Seterateng sa 34, ke lebenkele le tummeng la lefapha, Macy's, leo selemo se seng le se seng le qalang mokete o tummeng oa Thanksgiving ka mekato e metle le leeto le mebala-bala la Keresemese le batho ba hlahang lifiliming le likhathune.

U ka natefeloa ke brunch 'marakeng oa Chelsea, sebaka se seholo sa lireschorente le mekoallo moo u ka jang teng ho ntšetsa pele leeto la ho ea Wall Street.

Ha re se re le sebakeng sena, re ka khothaletsa ho natefeloa ke likhetho tse peli tsa ho etela: ka metsi, ka Sekepe sa Staten Island kapa ka sefofane, ka leeto la helikopta.

Leeto la helikopta

Ka Pase ea New York u tla ba le theolelo ea 15% ho theko ea leeto. Maeto a helikopta bakeng sa batho ba 5 kapa ba 6 e ka ba metsotso e 15 kapa 20.

1. Leeto la metsotso e 15: le na le sefofane se fetang noka ea Hudson moo u tla bona Seemahale sa Liberty, Sehlekehleke sa Ellis, Sehlekehleke sa 'Musisi le Setereke sa Lichelete se Manhattan e Tlaase.

U tla boela u bone Central Park e kholo, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building le George Washington Bridge.

2. Leeto la metsotso e 20: leeto le pharaletseng le kenyelletsang maikutlo a Univesithi ea Columbia, Cathedral ea St. John the Divine, tikolohong ea Morningside Heights, le mafika a shebileng Noka ea Hudson e tsejoang e le Palisades ea New York .

Haeba ho se na papali ea baseball, leeto lena le tla phetheloa ka ho fofa ha Yankee Stadium.

Sekepe sa Staten Island

Sekepe sa Staten Island se kopanya Borough of Manhattan le ea Staten Island ka metsotso e 50. E tsamaisa bapalami ba fetang likete tse 70 letsatsi ka leng mme e mahala.

U tla khona ho natefeloa ke pono ea leholimo la Manhattan, ho tloha Statue of Liberty ho tloha Sky Line.

Ho palama sekepe u tlameha ho fihla White Hall Terminal haufi le Battery Park, e Downtown Manhattan. Ho tloha ke metsotso e meng le e meng e 15 mme ka mafelo-beke ba arohane hanyane.

Tsamaea Wall Wall

Kamora ho natefeloa ke ho tsamaea ke mobu kapa noka, o tla tsoelapele ka ho etela meaho ea tšoantšetso ea setereke sa lichelete sa Wall Street, joalo ka Federal Hall National Memorial, moaho o shebaneng le majoe o neng o tšoere Kopano ea pele ea United States.

New York Stock Exchange ke sebaka se seng se khahlisang, hape le lets'oao la setereke sena, seemahale se setle sa Poho ea Bronze.

Leeto le leng le buelletsoeng ke Sehopotso sa 9/11, sebaka sa ho nahanisisa ka liketsahalo tse etsahetseng ka Loetse 11, 2001, moo batho ba likete ba ileng ba hlokahala tlhaselong ea bokhukhuni ho Twin Towers. Ho One World Observatory u ka natefeloa ke pono e ntle ea leholimo la New York.

Lireschorente le libaka tse ngata tsa thekiso ea lijo li u emetse tikolohong ea Tribeca e nang le baemeli ba phahameng ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, e le hore u qete letsatsi la bobeli ka lijo tsa mantsiboea tse hlabosang.

Lijo tsa Tribeca

1. Nish Nush: Mediterranean, Middle East, lijo tsa Israele tse nang le jeng nama, vegan, mahala ea gluten, lijana tsa kosher, hara tse ling tse ikhethang.

Lebenkele la lijo tse potlakileng le nang le litheko tse theko e tlaase haholo, haeba u batla ho ikutloa joaloka New Yorker. Ke 88 Reade Street.

2. Grand Banks: U palame sekepe ka Pier 25 ho Hudson River Park Avenue. Ba sebeletsa tse khethehileng tsa lijo tsa leoatleng tse kang lobster roll, salate ea burrata le lino tse monate.

3. Scalini Fedeli: Lebenkele la ho jella la Mataliana Seterateng sa 165 sa Duane. Ba fana ka lithahasello tse fapaneng tsa li-pasta, lisalate, vegan, lijana tse sa jeng nama le gluten. O tlameha ho boloka.

Letsatsi la 3. Brooklyn

Letsatsing la hau la ho qetela New York, u tla bona Borokho ba Brooklyn leetong la lihora tse 2 le tataisoang, le kenyellelitsoeng ntle ho tefo New York Pass.

Leeto lena le qala City Hall Park, serapa se setle se pota-potiloeng ke meaho ea tšoantšetso moo N.Y. U tla tšela lik'hilomithara tse ka bang 2 tsa Borokho ba Brooklyn ka maoto kapa ka baesekele.

Haeba u nka qeto ea ho hira maeto a tataisoang a sebopeho sena sa tšoantšetso, u tla ithuta ka nalane ea eona.

DUMBO le Brooklyn Heights

Ha u fihla seterekeng sena se pholileng, ho bohlokoa ho hlahloba sebaka se tummeng sa DUMBO (Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass), mabopong a East River. U tla khona ho kena libareng, libakeng tsa pizza, litsing tsa boithabiso le Brooklyn Bridge Park, moo ho nang le lintho tse ngata tseo u ka li bonang.

Sebaka se haufi sa Brooklyn Heights se tumme ka hore ke lehae la bangoli Truman Capote, Norman Mailer le Arthur Miller. Hape bakeng sa literata tsa eona tse ntle tse koahetsoeng ke lifate tse nang le matlo a hahiloeng lilemong tsa bo-20, tseo bongata ba tsona li ntseng li boloka meralo ea tsona ea mantlha.

Ntlha e 'ngoe e khahlisang ke Holo ea Borokho ea Brooklyn, moaho oa mofuta oa Segerike o neng o sebetsa e le holo ea toropo pele setereke sena e ba karolo ea New York.

Ho leba Seterateng sa Lekhotla ke moaho oa Temple Bar o nang le mafome a sa jeng a tala a hahiloeng ka 1901 mme ka lilemo tse fetang 10 e ne e le moaho o molelele ho fetisisa Brooklyn.

Ho Boardwalk ea Brooklyn u tla ba le maikutlo a matle ka ho fetisisa Manhattan, Statue of Liberty le New York.

Khutlela manhattan

Kamora leeto la Brooklyn, re khothaletsa ho hahlaula Little Italy (Little Italy). Seterateng sa Grand Street le Mulberry ke mabenkele le lireschorente tsa khale ka ho fetisisa Amerika tsa Amerika.

Tsoela pele ho Soho, tikoloho e fesheneng e nang le tšepe e nang le tšepe e likalikiloeng ke meaho, moo u tla fumana libaka tsa bonono le mabenkele a mabothobotho.

Chinatown e boetse e na le botle ba eona ba ho sheba mesebetsi ea matsoho, lisebelisoa, mabenkele a lisebelisoa kapa ho latsoa lithahasello tsa bochabela. Ke sengoathoana sa China se New York moo o tla natefeloa ke lijo tsa hau.

Lijo tsa Chinatown

1. Zoob Zib Thai Authentic Noodle Bar: ho leka moemeli oa cuisine ea Thai lijaneng tse nang le meroho, tofu, nama ea kolobe, lijo tsa leoatleng le li-noodle tsa 'nete, tse fanoang ka biri le li-cocktails. Ts'ebeletso e potlakile mme litheko lia utloahala. Ke 460 9th Avenue.

2. Whisky Tavern: sebaka sena sa thekiso se nang le biri e kholo ea biri, li-hamburger, mapheo, li-pretzels le lijana tse ling tse tloaelehileng tsa lijo tsa Amerika, tse nang le ts'ebeletso e ntle le moea o motle, li bohareng ba Chinatown. Ke seterateng sa Baxter sa 79.

3. Matsoho a mabeli: Lijo tsa Australia tse nang le metsoako e phetseng hantle le maro a monate. Ts'ebeletso e ntle mme leha litheko tsa bona li le holimo, lijo li bohlokoa. Ke seterateng sa 64 Mott.

Qetella leeto ka letsatsi la boraro le la ho qetela ka ho hahlaula tikoloho ea Greenwich Village, moo ho nang le libaka tse ntle le libaka tsa ho jella bakeng sa bosiu bo monate ho Big Apple.


Mohlomong u nahana hore palo ea libaka tsa marang-rang tse reriloeng ho thabela New York ka matsatsi a 3 feela ea khathatsa, empa ha ho joalo ka New York Pass. Tekete ena ea bahahlauli e tla u thusa haholo ho potoloha le toropo le ho tloaelana hanyane ka hanyane le baahisane le litereke.

U tla rata toropo hoo u tla batlang ho khutla haufinyane, rea u tiisetsa.

Arolelana sengoloa sena marang-rang e le hore metsoalle ea hau e tsebe seo e lokelang ho se etsa New York ka matsatsi a mararo.

Bona hape:

Sheba motataisi oa rona o felletseng oa libaka tse 50 tse ntlehali ho etela New York

Natefeloa ke motataisi oa rona ka mesebetsi e fapaneng e 30 eo u ka e etsang New York

Tsena ke libaka tse 10 tse ntle ka ho fetisisa New York


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